Sep 27Liked by Patrick Meowler

I’ve always felt that believing in yourself is the one super power we all possess & the stronger our levels of belief are, the better we’ll be in the long run ✊😁👍

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Hey Gerard, I find every sober day I get a little more belief in myself. It's gonna take a long time but I'll get there.

Have you always believed in yourself or did you develop it or a bit of both?

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Sep 27Liked by Patrick Meowler

I’ve been sober since mid August of 2014 as the result of a near fatal crash after being stupid enough to think I was okay to drive. I definitely DON’T miss drinking 🙅🏻‍♂️. As for my absolute & total belief in myself, it took a while but it came into play as I began my long journey towards 100% sobriety as I was strong enough to get completely sober “cold turkey”. That’s right… I knew in my heart & mind that I could do it without professional help & although it took nearly a year, my desire for a drink disappeared just over a year after the crash. I believe that I have the ability to do pretty much anything as long as I have the ability & desire to do so. I don’t ever listen to people who try to talk me out of doing something I want to do as I know I can do it ✊😄

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I don't miss it either. Congrats on such a long time sober, I have a lot to learn from you I'm sure. I don't miss drinking either. The shame and guilt and depression absolutely killed me. I believe we have the ability to do anything too, I just lack the confidence haha but I mean I am doing what I want to do and pulling it off so I'm getting some belief.

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Sep 27Liked by Patrick Meowler

Brother… All I can say is practice the art / skill of “selective deafness” towards all the negative Nancy’s who try to tell you that you can’t do something that you know in your heart you CAN do. Ignore them & give it your best shot… Or as we say here… “Have a red hot crack at it” 👍😄

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Damn, thanks man, that just crushed all my self doubt hahaha I’m writing selective deafness on my whiteboard in my room.

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As you get more opportunities to practice selective deafness to every “Negative Norm & Nancy” who tries to bring you down in any way… PREACH IT TO THE PEOPLE!!! Simply “switch off & take off” as far away from them as you can ☝️😁. It’s YOUR life & it’s up to YOU (🫵) to live it how you want it. Think of your life as a movie & that not only are you the star in it… You’re also the director, producer, cinematographer, stuntman etc, 👍😎🎥

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Sep 27Liked by Patrick Meowler

As a kid, I wasn’t the most “gifted” athlete, but my parents always believed in me & were proud of me no matter the outcome… As long as I felt I did my best, a belief I still carry with me to this day.

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I read that rewarding children for effort instead of results makes them have a lot of self belief and makes them work very hard on their goals when they grow up.

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My parents gave me the courage & confidence to give anything a go & I enjoyed playing basketball, soccer & football (“rugby league” here). I got better after a couple of years & my parents were always proud of me which made me happy 😁😁😁

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Rocky is my spirit animal.

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